We are uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and beyond in the LGBTQIA+ rainbow in Loudoun County with families, friends, and allies. PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy.
Unite. Support. Advocate.
Founded in 1973 after the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the nation's largest family and ally organization.
PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies. With over 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas across America, PFLAG is committed to creating a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed.
This vast grassroots network is cultivated, resourced, and serviced by the staff of PFLAG National, the National Board of Directors, and the all-volunteer Regional Directors Council.
The Power Of Community
PFLAG Loudoun Support Group Meetings
4th Tuesday, Monthly, 7 -8:30 p.m.
Crossroads United Methodist Church, Ashburn, VA
(unless otherwise noted)
All meetings are held in person. Please register at the link below. Individual groups average about 10-20 people per month, are overseen by trained facilitators, and are always open to new members.
Special Sessions
Virtual | November 8 | 7 pm
In-Person | November 19 | 7 pm
Holiday Party | December 10 | 7 pm
Regular Sessions
January 28
February 25
March 25
April 22

LGBTQIA+ Adults Group
Our LGBTQIA+ Adult Group is for any adult who is a member of the queer community, age 18 and up. Our meetings start off with a check in on how you're doing and then facilitated open conversations. Like to talk? Great! Want to just sit back and listen? That's great too! We are a relaxed group here to support you through your highs and lows.
Parents & Allies Group
Our Parents and Allies Group is for any friend, loved one, or family member of an LGBTQIA+ individual, ages 18 and up. Our meetings are the perfect place to share what you're going through, hear the stories of others, ask important questions, and get important answers. We check in with how you're doing each month, because how you're feeling matters.
LGBTQIA+ Youth Group
Our LGBTQIA+ Youth Group is for any young person who is a member of the queer community, ages 12 - 17. Each meeting begins with a weather check and round table, low pressure (we promise!). Then it's time for fun and interaction with each other in our youth recreation room complete with video games, board games, and other fun activities. Never leave without a new friend!
Looking for answers? This is the place! If you need additional information, please email us.
How are the meetings run?
Each meeting starts off with our "big circle" as we gather in the main room, socialize (or not!), get a name and pronouns sticker, and wait for the meeting to start. We begin each meeting with any announcements from the facilitators, reminders, and then we break into three groups. The groups go into three separate areas with facilitators for their support group until the end, when we reconvene in the main area. Each group is run a little differently but generally involve a check-in, updates from participants, and a social component.
Who runs the groups?
Our team includes a diverse group of parents, professionals, and community members who have had background and security checks, on-the-job training and observation, and specific coordinated trainings to become a PFLAG facilitator. We aim to have two facilitators for each adult group and three for the youth group.
​How do I join?
There is no joining requirement unless you are a youth member, in which case you need to have a parent register you and be present at meetings. We highly advise that you join the mailing list for reminders in the event any of our meetings change.
​What is the benefit of attending?
PFLAG is a national organization that facilitates support group meetings around the country. Support groups are not therapy, but they offer members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies a safe place to discuss what they are experiencing. Sometimes, just letting these feelings out in the world and finding out that others feel or have felt the same can help us find peace, security, and safety. This can also be a great place to make friends, find resources, and learn new information.
​What are the rules?
At the beginning of each meeting we reiterate our rules and each group may have their own specific rules that a facilitator will announce. The short version is that we focus on family problems and feeling in regards to coming out and relationships with family and friends. Confidentiality is a top priority, we can share situations but never names or identifying information. We are here to support one another but not to provide therapy. We can share our stories but should also be sensitive to and listen to the stories of others. We are supportive rather than confrontational, we do not judge each other. Everyone is given a chance to speak, not one person is permitted to monopolize the conversation. Each person's remarks are important so we do not permit side discussions. Anyone who is uncomfortable should make this known to facilitators as our main concern is to create a safe and affirming atmosphere for all participants.
Can I observe?
We have a very strict policy on attendance that does not allow for observers. Because of the sensitive nature of our meetings and the trust involved in our participants, we will not allow those outside these communities to participate. We regularly receive requests from mental health professionals, researchers, and other well-meaning individuals who wish to learn more about the first-hand perspective of the LGBTQIA+ community for a variety of reasons, but this is not the place for that. Please feel free to reach out to another organization in the area, such as Equality Loudoun or Safe Space NOVA who offer services in these areas.
What are your facilities like? Can I come how I feel comfortable?
Absolutely, you can always come as you are! Maybe you're experimenting with your look or a name or even new pronouns - this is your safe space. We know some folks may feel uncomfortable in a religious setting, but the Crossroads UMC team is an affirming church and our meetings take place after hours when there are no church services or people. Our meetings are completely private and not open to outsiders. We ensure the building is secure at the start of each meeting (so please be on time!). The bathrooms are gender affirming and there is a non-gendered bathroom as well. Many of our attendees are transgender or gender non-conforming, so please know that you'll be safe, no matter who you are or where you are in your journey.

Connecting Communities